On to Calgary...The first few days
I headed off to Calgary on an early morning flight without knowing if my brother would be there to pick me up at the airport. He didn't. So I taxied my way to his place only to find it locked and the weather bitterly, bitterly cold. (It probably wasn't that bad but 13C in the summer is wrong and I had only one long sleeved sweater with me.) I stashed my bags next to the garage and made my way downtown to his restaurant to see if he was working. He was. He appologized for not picking me up by paying for my beer and ceaser salad. That night we went out shopping so I could get a winter parka, had dinner at an amazing restaurant and then caught the Simpsons Movie.
The next night after some heavy duty shopping (more sub-artic wear), I met up with Gray to have a full on Canadian night. We stopped off at the Beer store to share a case of Pil and went to his place to play Trivial Pursuit. While hanging out I learnt that Amy was now Grey's wife having just gone to Las Vegas for a Chapel wedding. From the pictures I saw it looked like they had a great time but I wish Elvis had led the ceremony. As for the game, it was a tight one but once he stopped getting the easy Canadiana questions I caught up and won the game. I am officially a genuis (until we play again.)
Another night I met Jess and Chris up at the University for some beer and dinner before they went off to play soccer. (This is a team I want to play for.) It was a good visit but over too soon. I was supposed to meet up with Jess again later in the week but had to ditch because I physically couldn't stay awake after a long day in Banff. I wish I had taken a picture of her and Chris but I always get self-conscious about taking pictures in public in Canada because nobody really does it. Here in Korea there isn't a day that goes by that I don't see someone snapping away at something. I did get this picture of the main entrance to the University as walked up to meet them. Ahh the memories.
I got this one once I left to catch the C-Train. I studied mostly in this building and still don't understand the "art" up on the hill.