F'n Korean Summers
Korean springs are among the best in the world. There are flowers everywhere popping up and standing proud before dying just in time for the next rush of colour and scents to take over. It's hot without being obnoxious and the rains know when they are wanted. Where things go wrong is that spring collapses suddenly under clogged up skies and the humidity of summer. This week it has all started to implode. Last week it started with the rain and this week we've had a run on sunshine and humidity. It's become brutally hot. (Back sweat and wet asses are the norm.) What's worse is that the mosquitoes have used last week's rains to take over the summer, outnumber people five to one. Someone in Korean has taken the time to honour the summer's national insect and it's been given a spot in front of the Seoul Museum of art. I can't wait until the cicadas start their mating calls, confirming the rainy season is done and telling us there is only one month of this crap weather left.
back sweat and wet asses... eeewww!
S'pose I need to prepare myself for a similar heat onslaught. There ain't even a spring where I'm going, just hot and 'oven'.
I read your blog about your new job, congratulations about the new gig. I can't wait to hear about the sweats you suffer from under the desert skies. (I would post on your blog but I'm shy when it comes to stuff like that, sorry.)
hey! It's ok. You've posted on it before tho - once in a while!
News of my desert sweats will be posted regularly! ;¬)
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