The Strangers
Sort of a quiet weekend. Friday night Saejin and I went to get a horror film fix. We watched The Strangers and I loved it. The story is about a young couple that head out to his parents summer home after a friend's wedding. After a night of partying the couple gets a knock at the door at 4 in the morning and find a young woman asking for some unknown person. This starts out a night where three people in masks have fun scaring the crap out of this couple and end up killing the couple just for fun. The scene in this poster made me scream out the loudest in the theater and the Korean sitting next to me couldn't stop laughing at me. I love horror movies but I have to scream out loud at least once to get the tension and fear out of my body before I can settle in and accept the movie as just a movie. The worst part about this movie happened at home when around 2 o'clock our doorbell rang and it has never been rung since we have lived here. I didn't move a single muscle for the next five minutes but soon realised that I live one of the largest cities in the world and there is no way the movie could happen in real life. The next morning when we went out for brunch we found our "stranger" he was a drunken business man passed out at the bottom of the stairs just inside the main entrance.
I would so love to sit next to you during a horror film - I reckon I'd get more enjoyment out of watching you than the actual film!
You probably would just as long as you don't get embarresed easily. Friends think I over do it but I can swear on whatever book you chose it is not my fault. I blame genetics, my dad refuses to watch horror movies to this day because he also yelps out in fear, I have not yet learnt to run away.
I remember you laughing at me when we watched horror flicks at James' pad, I shrieked at least ten times!
I love that the doorbell rang. Didn't that also happen to you with that movie where the clock stops?
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