The Daily Show
Half my family is American and I do honestly love America. What I don't like are the political choices that have been made (and given) over the last eight years. A TV staple of mine is The Daily Show and I just watched Jon Stewart sum up the last couple of election choices by pointing how the Conservatives win. They smugly win by saying:
"You know, I'm from a small town and we've got good values and anybody else who isn't in it. (Head tilt for angry Jon to take over) Stop pretending like a small town is any different than New York City. You know what New York City is, it's a small town stuck together in one building. I'm very angry."
And you are right Jon. Small towns hide their social problems and pretend (because of scale) that all is good and nowhere near what the evil cities vices offer but come on shake your heads middle America people all over are the same. I hope beyond hope that Obama actually wins because while I don't hate McCain (if he can be his old self) his running mate as interviews have shown is a moron. America and the World deserves better.
. . . and what about the Canuck election?
Right on!! The hypocrisy is unbelievable and it makes me INSANE!!
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