Monday, April 23, 2007

Little Girls' Blouse

Saturday Night, Saejin and I went to see The Reaping and once again I proved to be a wimp. I love horror movies but am completely not responsible for the screams that come out of me. The Reaping has gotten bad reviews but I liked it and was scared more than once (it doesn't take much). At one point I jumped so far out of my seat that I knocked my own glasses off my face and had to retrieve them from under the seat next to me. Not a proud moment.


Darth Gateau said...

bless! how cute! I'd love to watch a horror movie with you - I'd be more interested in watching your reactions than the film!

Smokingloon said...

I'm not sure you want to do that, it could be dangerous. While knocking my glasses off I think I back handed the man next to me.