Calgary...Adam and Eva's
One of the best nights out in Calgary was when I went to visit Eva, Adam and their girls. I had to miss out on the barbecue but once there I did my best to rile up the kids right before their bedtime.
We jumped on the trampoline after climbing through the world's tinest entrance on the new safety meshing. I feel for kids these days the thrill of jumping wasn't the same in this enclosed space. I used to love the rush you felt when you bounced a little too close to the edge of the trampoline. The panic and the rush of fear made your body have super human abilities (Super Large Eye Boy, Express Leg Man) and you avoided landing too hard on the ground.
While jumping it was clear that two things were about to happen, one the kids had to go to bed and two, the adults needed to make a mad dash to the liquor store before it closed. I'm not sure which event inspired the other. I was impresed by how easily bedtime turned out to be. The kids posed for the beer picture above and tucked themselves into bed. When we went up to say goodnight the girls were already reading books. I love good parents. It made our boozing that much easier. Here's the proof:
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