Long time no post.
For the last month I have been terrible at updating. No real reason and it's not that I haven't been up to much because I have. I just kind of let things get backed up and have been lazy about signing in. On Thursday night Heidi called me from Texas around 11:30 pm and she asked if I was alive because I have forgotten to reply to her emails. This reminder put in my head I should be posting more. Anyway, it was amazing hearing from her again and we ended up chatting for nearly two and a half hours about everything, nothing and covered every detail about her up coming wedding (the donkey and sombrero being the best wedding option ever.) She also sent me a picture of her wedding dress and she will look amazing walking out on the beach.
I badly want to go to the wedding but it is in Mexico and a package deal that you can only get from Canada or the States. For me it means paying nearly double the price because I have to first get to North America before heading off to Mexico. (If anyone knows the upcoming numbers on the lottery and feels like passing them on to me I think I can come up with the money.)
The only trouble with Heidi's phone call was that
1: It was late.
2: Heidi's hello had undertones to them that invited me to get up, open the fridge and start drinking.
3: Being a two and a half hour chat this led to too many late night beer on a school night.
4: I ended up sleeping in by twenty minutes and was a tad late for school.
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