Monday, July 09, 2007

Killing Time

Quick entry today as I actually have stuff to do. Here are a couple of things that have been eating up a lot of my time lately:

1. This website has a ton of useless information on it. I love it. After reading the daily blogs by people with even more free time on their hands than me I hit the sidebar and play the games. I take pride in failing the daily quizzes even when they leave me feeling quite lachrymose(adj.) I try to find the positive. I then awkwardly try to use the word of the day (guess today's word), but I what I like most is putting in a solid ten minutes playing the geography game repeatedly. It's all so addictive that I'm pissed off the fact of the day is no longer being updated. (I still have so much to learn.)

2. Big Brother UK: My main source for TV downloads come from a British Website called and last summer I got hooked on Big Brother. This year's version isn't as good but I'm still spending 45 minutes absorbing tha daily drama. I know it's shameful and horribly voyeuristic but I keep watching. It's really quite sad.

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