Boramae Park
Seoul is crowded, rude, dirty, noisy, busy, fast but I love it. I live in Sillim which is even more crowded, more rude, dirtier, noisier, busier and faster than most other places in Seoul. I'm glad Boramae Park is nearby. This Park is built on an old airforce base making it one of the bigger parks in Seoul. It's a great place to get away from all the chaos that is Seoul.
This little lake has some cheesy water shows throughout the day.
This duck bounced from person to person looking for a snack.
Luxury apartments on the East end of the park means there are some great restaurants around.
Old men living the high life: smoking, drinking soju and playing some Chinese Chess game midday.
These are old pictures it isn't so green now but it's still a great place.
The pathway that runs around the park that I jog on.
A huge rock climbing club where kids as tall as my waist climb without breaking a sweat.
Half way up the hill at the Western edge of the park is a small temple.
Saejin and I try to make it to the park on weekends, especially if we've been out the night before.
All over the hill are tiny work out spots. There are even bench presses that would never be legally allowed back home in case some small tyke tried it out before being strangled to death when their little arms gave out.
Saejin was a good sport and did everything I aksed him to do. Chin-Ups.
Working off his love handles.
I'm impressed you make it out to the park after you've had a heavy night. I can barely make it to the fridge!
Nie pics tho and Saejin truly is a good sport in doing your bidding for pics!
We make it to the park but we walk so slowly little old ladies with walkers are lapping us. As for Saejin posing, I had to buy him dinner to play along. This was a costly post.
good posts cost. I need a park to walk in today - seriously over hung. However, London is doing it's usual thing, so it's wet and grey - I may just have to make friends with the fridge and we can hang out together all day. Bliss...
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