Friday, November 23, 2007

Singin' in the Rain

I got caught in the rain on the way home and instead of buying an umbrella right outside the subway exit, I decided to plow on home without. This fall is the first time I can remember thunder showers dominating the season and I love it. When the sky fills with light and thunder echoes off the buildings there is no better reminder that nature rules. At first it was a nice cleansing walk but once I felt my money soaking up the rain I clearly had made a silly decision. My shoes squeaked meekly as I climbed the stairs to our place confirming my drenched state.

When I peeled my now extra heavy clothes off I started to feel stupid but I quickly thought about Seajin and Saturday night to cheer me up. After the wedding we went out dancing where Saejin (and his self tittle "up tight ass") did his infamous bum dip move and he busted straight out of his third pair of pants in two years. Luckily we had our clothes from Friday night so he quickly ran off to the washroom to change. On Monday he returned his pants to the store where he placed the guilt of his pants riping on the weak threading. He claimed he sat down at the start of the wedding and his pants ripped apart. He then went on about his total embarrassment and continued to build up his fake story and subsequent shame. The store manager apologised more than twenty times before Seajin let him set him up with another pair.

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