Monday, November 06, 2006

The Prestige

This is the movie poster for The Prestige or as it's called in Korean "Puh-rae-suh-tee-jee". On Sunday, Saejin and I went to the CGV theatre just down the street from my place. The theatre was the least busy one I have been to in Korea (When I lived in Suji you had to buy tickets at least four hours in advance on Sundays if you wanted to catch a flick) so I will definitely go back. I really enjoyed this movie and thought it was pretty decent all the way through. Everything looked amazing and the movie had many plot twists. Definitely a movie you should watch.

Saturday night was of course Beakers going away party and we had fun. We started off in Bliss (the bar not state) where a friend's friend was tending the bar for a friend. In short Rachel-Lynn and I got bottles of wine for just 10 dollars. After this bar everyone was supposed to meet up across town in Hongdae but it didn't happen for many of us. Beaker (not his real name but his new nickname since he arrived in Korea looking exactly like the assisting scientist/Muppet from The Muppet Show) was supposed to be the one falling first but turns out he beat everyone's predictions and made it to the end. Well done Beaker!

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