Thursday, November 30, 2006

The Rhino

Yesterday morning the weather was crispier than the breakfast cereal itself, which made waking up a person battle and left me running late for work. To get to the bus stop, I have a minor hill to climb and set off at a brisk pace up it. As my head popped up over the ridge I saw a man carrying 90 percent of his weight in his chest, arms and head suddenly start barreling toward me. His eyes made it clear that I was in his way.

Like any yellow belted taekwondo master would do, I froze in my place and made a confused/surprised/disgusted face. The sole thought that came to me was that soon I was going to be the victim of a senseless, random act of violence. Luckily for me this hulk of a man was charging to make it down the hill and across the street before the green man in the box stopped blinking. I turned to watch (my defensive turtling position left me facing that way) and felt a lot better when I saw that The Rhino failed to make the light.

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