Friday, August 11, 2006

Expiration Date

On Wednesday my cell phone buzzed with news that next month my Visa expires. Today my mail box had a note hanging out of it again telling my legal stay is almost up. It doesn't feel like the end at this school. I have always resigned with my schools but this year this simply wasn't an option. LCI Kids Club Seocho is the most organized school I've taught in but with that comes about a million people above you. Teachers are definitely the bottom of the barrel. In all my years of experience this school cares the least about it's teachers. For a newbie in Korea it's a great gig, you'll always be paid on time and they will walk you through EVERYTHING. For someone who knows what parents want and how to keep the kids interested it's a long, long, long, did I mention long, year. These warnings telling me my job is about to expire have managed to lift my spirits.

It also helps that I've handed over my Passport, ID Card, Diploma and TESOL Certificate over to my new recruiter this week. I'm moving on to a public school gig where I'll have a lot more freedom and parental expectations don't exist. I think I'll like a lot better. It also helps that my school's biggest class is only 17 kids so it won't be chaos. I won't have to yell like I've heard some people have to in the public system. I'll miss my kids and the odd coworker but that's how it goes when you move on.

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