Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Jogging in August

Jogging in August in Seoul is not pretty. The air hangs thick with humidity and the heat starts me sweating as I tie my shoes. I've tried different ways to avoid soaked shirts, shorts and socks but nothing seems to work. Morning, night or late afternoon jogs all end with me looking as if:

a) I've been fished out of lake Superior by campers who've been drinking warm beer since dawn.

b) I won the Super Bowl on my Xbox and drenched myself with my own sports drink in excitement.

c) A monsoon shower smashed the metal spokes of my umbrella to bits and I was miles from home.

d) All of the above.

This picture doesn't do my runs justice but I could honestly ring my clothes out after a 40 minute jog and fill up a pint glass. I'm wet, not proud.

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